ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio Specs

//ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio Specs

ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio Specs

Whether it’s a new laptop, headphones, oven, washing machine or any other electrical item, one of the important steps that you’ll take before buying the product is to check out the specs. brings you thousands of product specifications for items like ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio and lots of other Radios.

ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio Specification

ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio specs

ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio
Clock radio
Black & silver
Sleep timer
Analogue tuner
FM analogue tuner
Power source
– Mains
– Battery
Battery type
Batteries included
– 3.5 mm jacks x 1
Buzz alarm
Radio alarm
Weekend / weekday alarm
Dual alarm
Snooze control
60 x 175 x 145 mm (H x W x D)
0.58 kg


Number of Reviews

519 reviews

Review Score



ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio Reviews

It’s important to check out lots of reviews once you have got to grips with all of the specs of ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio. We’ve taken a scan of all of features and benefits of ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio and produced 4 key review scores.

The first is based on the quality of ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio. This compares it against other Radios available from Currys PC World and also looks at the general feedback and comments from customers and what they have to say about ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio. The quality score that we’ve given ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio is 9.8 out of 10.

The next is price. This looks at how good value ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio is for the price. The price we found ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio for was £24.99 at Currys. Which is a great price considering the quality of the product and that the average price of products in the Radios category is £95.80. That’s why we’ve given ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio a price score of 9.2 out of 10.

Then we have review score. This one is pretty self explanatory. We look at lots of customer reviews to gauge how positive and negative the reviews are. From that we create a review score. We’ve given ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio a review score of 8.8 out of 10.

And finally it’s Overall Score. To determine the overall score we average the quality, price and review scores to give you this one score which can act as a great benchmark for comparing similar products. ROBERTS CR9971 Chronologic VI Analogue Clock Radio scores 9.3 out of 10, thanks to the great specs, price and quality.

8.8 stars –
based on 519 reviews Ratings
By |2019-02-24T21:53:11+00:00February 24th, 2019|Radios|0 Comments

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